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At THEM., we believe that gender is not a fixed or rigid category, but a fluid and dynamic spectrum.

We believe that everyone has the right to express their gender identity in their own way, without fear of discrimination or judgment. We believe that gender diversity is a source of strength, beauty, and creativity.

That’s why we created this website: to share our stories, our knowledge, our resources, and our support with each other and with the world.

01. Educate

To edu­cate our­selves and oth­ers about the his­to­ry, cul­ture, and chal­lenges of gen­der non-con­form­ing people.

02. Celebrate

To cel­e­brate the achieve­ments, con­tri­bu­tions, and per­spec­tives of gen­der diverse indi­vid­u­als in var­i­ous fields and domains.

03. Inspire

To inspire and empow­er each oth­er to live authen­ti­cal­ly and confidently.

What You’ll Find Here

THEM. is a article and resource website that covers topics related to gender diversity and non-binary identity. 

We post regular articles on various aspects of gender diversity, such as terminology, pronouns, fashion, health, relationships, activism, media representation, and more.

We also feature guest posts from experts, influencers, and community members who share their insights and experiences. 

We provide links to useful websites, books, podcasts, videos, organizations, events, and other sources of information and support for gender diverse people and allies. 

We also offer tips and advice on how to be more inclusive and respectful in your language and communication. We invite you to join our online community of gender diverse people and allies who are passionate about learning, sharing, and connecting with each other. You can comment on our blog posts, join our forum discussions, subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on social media, or contact us directly.

Far Far Away, behind the Word Mountains, Far from the Countries Vokalia and Consonantia, There Live the Blind Texts. Separated They Live in Bookmarksgrove Right at the Coast of the Semantics, a Large Language Ocean.

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